NATION OF JAKE | Satan Club At Chimneyrock Elementary Announced

Chimneyrock Elementary School is in a whirlwind of controversy this week as it will be the newest location for the Satanic Temple’s “After School Satan Club”.

January 10th will be the first day for the program, with it being planned to be led in the library through the spring semester.

Jake Cook, radio host for the Nation of Jake, said they knew going into it that people, especially in the Mid-South, would get really upset about this and that the best thing to do is to just ignore them.

“The Satanic Temple likes to go around and make the point about religious freedom,” he said. “Pretty much challenging those who claim religious freedom for freedom of all religions, not just the ones you like.”

The Temple claims they don’t worship any sort of diety, including Satan. They use the image of the devil as a symbol of humanist ideals instead, and have no intention of swaying children into any type of religion.