RON HART: The ‘Useful Idiot’ Was No Longer Useful.

Syndicated Columnist Ron Hart joined the Nation of Jake on Thursday to talk about his latest column on President Joe Biden and his move to step down for re-election. Read below for his full article.

Note: This is a satirical piece.

We have long known that Democrats are in favor of late-term abortions. But this Biden thing takes it to new limits.

As the vultures circled last week, the Democrat Party devoured one of its own Sunday when Joe Biden sent a note to the country saying that he would not be running for re-election. 

He did it while he purportedly had COVID, which was weird. Didn’t he tell us forcefully in a CNN town hall, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations?” His wife is a doctor, so many people believed him (and a “very good one,” according to Whoopi Goldberg of The Phew).

COVID is about the only thing that has chosen Biden over Trump in recent years. 

Then all these accolades came his way from the left. “The greatest president,” “a true hero,” “a selfless public servant,” ad nauseam. To be clear, the Dems did not pull Joe Biden off the ticket because he was in cognitive decline. If they cared about that, they would have done it four years ago. They pulled him because America found out about his condition during the debate, and now he cannot win. Do not fall for the Dems’ pretentious pandering. 

For those paying attention, the real story is the disillusion Americans have from being lied to by the Democrats and their propagandists in the media. 

Let’s just quickly list a few major lies/cover-ups of late: the Russia Hoax; COVID rules and shutdowns; smearing people like me who thought COVID came not from bats but a Wuhan lab leak; Charlottsville, VA; the Afghanistan withdrawal; Jan. 6th Committee; impeachments; lawfare; that the border was “secure” and the collusion between Democrats and the media to hide Joe Biden’s years-long cognitive decline. And now the latest: the arrogant stonewalling of Congress by the Secret Service on the DEI hiring of the botched Trump protection debacle. 

How are we to believe anything the government tells us? 

Kamala Harris, who says she worked side by side with Biden, hid all this more than anyone. She needs to be held accountable, but she will not be. Joe Biden gave Kamala his “full-throated” endorsement. 

Dems pretend their party is coalescing now around the unpopular Kamala. And maybe they are trying. The ongoing lie Democrats tell is that “Trump is a threat to democracy.”  

Our government has grown too big, too unaccountable and too stupid to be of service to many of us.

After a grilling by Congress in the only bi-partisan thing in four years, the Secret Service director finally resigned. Why did Biden or Harris not fire her? And just what does it take to get fired by Democrats? On a personal note, Republican South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace excoriated Director Cheatle. Looking at Ms. Mace, I’d take a good admonishing from her. 

Not only did Secret Service head Cheatle have a bad day, the Biden family did, too. The Secret Service had purportedly helped Hunter avoid the consequences of his actions. Joe Biden won’t be president and will lose his pardoning power. Then Hooters announced it was closing stores. Imagine how bad a week Hunter Biden had. 

For those also worried about Hooters closing stores, they will still do an “eats-type” delivery of their food to your front door. This service will be called Knockers.