LOCAL | Two Men Arrested In Connection to a Shooting That Led to a Wreck In Hickory Hill

A man was critically injured in a shooting in Hickory Hill last week, and now the two men responsible have been taken into custody.

Two counts of attempted second-degree murder, aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm while committing a felony were brought against 21-year-old Myron McCoy, and 23-year-old Martavia Hughes.

On February 25, the victim was shot in the neck on Raintree Drive. After being shot, he crashed his car into a police car and then another car.

The victim then reported to the police that he was being followed by the suspects in a different vehicle.

The suspects approached him and brandished a gun at him and another person inside the car after he had stopped. According to the victim, one of the suspects shot the car many times as he attempted to drive away.

The suspects in the shooting were identified to be McCoy and Hughes. On Wednesday they were arrested and on Friday morning, they are both scheduled to appear in court.