Category Archives: Memphis Morning News

Memphis Morning News With Ditch & Jeff

Memphis Morning News | Courtney The Zoo Lady Addressing Uninformed Attackers

Memphis Morning News | Courtney The Zoo Lady Addressing Uninformed Attackers

Misinformed keyboard activists waged war on the Memphis Zoo using out of context edited video and photos to lay claims that are simply not true.  Courtney The Zoo Lady reinforces the relationship the zoo continues to maintain with the organization that loaned the Giant Pandas to the zoo and that the collection of animals are…MORE

Memphis Morning News | Why Save The Coliseum

Memphis Morning News | Why Save The Coliseum

Marvin Stockwell of the Coliseum Coalition thinks there’s a reason to bring the Mid-South Coliseum back to life, but the community needs to be patient as the right developer steps forward. How long is long enough? MORE

Memphis Morning News | Connie Raguli

Memphis Morning News | Connie Raguli

Under a new law proposed by Representative Ron Travis (R-Dayton-District 31) and Senator Paul Bailey (R-Sparta-District 15), parents could be charged with a felony for failure to turn over their child to the woefully inept Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS), even on anonymous and unsubstantiated allegations of child abuse and neglect when DCS obtains a secret court order based on…MORE