Category Archives: Memphis Morning News

Memphis Morning News With Ditch & Jeff

LEGAL | Mark Miller – The Neighbor From Hell

LEGAL | Mark Miller – The Neighbor From Hell

Mark Miller of Pacific Legal Foundation tells listener “Dave”, it’s time to get a lawyer. Dave’s property is being flooded by an ongoing water line leak on the neighbors property. “It’s cheaper to pay a higher water bill then fix the pipe”, says the neighbor.MORE

LOCAL | Dr. Feagins Files Lawsuit Against Memphis-Shelby County Schools

LOCAL | Dr. Feagins Files Lawsuit Against Memphis-Shelby County Schools

A civil action lawsuit has been filed by former Memphis-Shelby County Schools Superintendent, Dr. Marie Feagins, against the school board for her contract termination. Dr. Feagins accused the board in the document of holding private meetings to terminate her and infringing upon citizens’ rights. The lawsuit seeks to have the termination vote annulled and requests…MORE

FEDEX FORUM | Why Maintenance Bill Is Now $80 Mil

FEDEX FORUM | Why Maintenance Bill Is Now $80 Mil

County Commissioner Amber Mills joined the discussion on Memphis Morning News about plans this week for a new resolution to issue a forensic audit on the school system. She was asked to tour Fed Ex Forum in support of spending $80 million on differed maintenance issues and shared some of those tour detailsMORE

AIR TRAGEDY |  Question Wasn’t Specific Enough

AIR TRAGEDY | Question Wasn’t Specific Enough

Jenn Bennie, retired NAVY SeaHawk pilot on Memphis Morning News sharing her insight and experience and what she believes occurred just before the mid air collision of a Blackhawk helicopter and the American Airlines jet upon approach at Reagan National.   Jenn is also featured in October as a Pinups For Vets Ambassador. MORE