Category Archives: Memphis Morning News

Memphis Morning News With Ditch & Jeff

SCOTUS | Sarah Parshall Perry

SCOTUS | Sarah Parshall Perry

Sarah Parshall Perry is a Legal Fellow in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at
the Heritage Foundation and author.MORE

FOOD DUDE | Allan’s Chili Boats

FOOD DUDE | Allan’s Chili Boats

Just in time for “The Big Game” festivities, Allan The Food Dude delivers delicious chili boats. The small boat shaped tortillas are filled with a layer of mashed potatoes, a serving of chili and layer of cheese. MORE

GOV BILL LEE | [AUDIO] Blue Oval City, Crime, Education

GOV BILL LEE | [AUDIO] Blue Oval City, Crime, Education

With questions about the future of EV’s, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee addresses concerns about the future of the state’s largest manufacturing deal with Ford, called Blue Oval City. Also on his call with Ditch & Tim Van Horn heard on Memphis Morning News, The Governor reacts to the call for the state to intervene in the Memphis and Shelby County fight to slow the crime waveMORE

FBI WHISTLEBLOWER | Steve Friend Blew The Whistle & Paid A Price

FBI WHISTLEBLOWER | Steve Friend Blew The Whistle & Paid A Price

Steve Friend spoke to Ditch & Tim Van Horn on Memphis Morning News about the process of being an FBI whistleblower in the middle of one of the most divided times in our country.  With politically charged bureaucracies magnified by a weaponized bureau, to step forward and speak out about what he thought broke FBI…MORE

CITIZENSHIP | Senator Bill Hagerty

CITIZENSHIP | Senator Bill Hagerty

The Equal Representation Act would require a citizenship question on the next US Census asking whether the respondent is a citizen, a resident non-citizen or an illegal immigrant.  Senator Hagerty called Memphis Morning News to discuss the ERA and the continued push to grow populations in states as an effort to maintain political power.MORE

LISTEN | Memphis Mayor Paul Young

LISTEN | Memphis Mayor Paul Young

Just two weeks in office, Memphis Mayor Paul Young calls in to Memphis Morning News for updates on the declaration of emergency regarding weather related management, plans to handle crime and the issues surrounding it as well as CJ Davis returning as the Chief of Police. MORE