Rick Taylor was born in Memphis and has been in the racing world from a young age. When young Rick was just 14, he got hooked on drag racing. His dad has been racing for 55 years and he has been racing Volkswagens for most of young Rick’s life. Rick Taylor has a long history of bracket racing and most recently index racing in NHRA Super Comp and Super Gas. When Rick Taylor isn’t at a track or in his garage, he can be found with beautiful wife of 20 years and his daughters. Rick is also the proud owner and operator of Rick’s Powder Coating in Memphis, TN.
Lin Neal was born in Memphis and raised on a gravel road in Nesbitt Mississippi. Cows, horses, pigs- were all part of Lin Neal’s life as a youth. From raising animals to racing motorcycles, Lin Neal has been hooked on the adrenalin of racing his entire life. Proud father of 2 and a guy who’s voice has been booming at tracks across the Mid-South, Lin Neal The Real Deal has a passion for anything racing!